The Massawippi Foundation and the Massawippi Conservation Trust acknowledge that lands that we have protected in perpetuity stand on the unceded ancestral territory of the Wabanaki Nation (Abenaki), the Ndakina. We acknowledge that their history and relationship to this land and the water that flows through it, inspire us and guide our conservation work in our role as stewards of the land.
Who We Are
The Massawippi Foundation (FMF) supports activities that benefit the inhabitants of the Massawippi Valley and contribute to the preservation of the unique ecosystems in the region. The Fondation Massawippi Foundation is about people helping people. The dollars to fund our work come from individuals, foundations and corporations that support our goals
The Massawippi Conservation Trust (MCT) was established to conserve land adjacent to Lake Massawippi and its tributaries and provide stewardship services in perpetuity.
The sister organizations are focused on the areas of North Hatley, Saint Catherine de Hatley, Ayer’s Cliff, Hatley and Canton de Hatley.
Our Goals
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Events and Features
1250 AC
of land conserved
12 KM
of trails created
$4 Million
In the words of Jacques Cousteau, “You protect what you love,” and that is what Margot Graham Heyerhoff does best.
Conservation News, ProfilesMargot and her family moved to the Massawippi Valley permanently in 2002 however she had already established a love for the area long before when attending university and working in the […]
Pat Webster
Conservation News, ProfilesIt has been more than ten years since Pat joined Tom Wilcox and Margot Heyerhoff to found the Massawippi Foundation. Like them, Pat stayed on for the long run, but […]
Why do Beech and Oak leaves hang on through the winter?
Conservation News, EducationHave you ever noticed those parchment thin leaves of the Beech tree that hang on bravely throughout the winter? What about the rich brown Oak leaves rustling like paper in […]