Nature Education Program : Part 2/3 completed

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Photo de groupe


The kids are having fun and learning…the two go hand in hand. Jessica, our Nature Nerd educator, is inspiring wonder and curiosity. This winter we received 290 students, spread over 10 days from 6 local schools in cycle 2 (grades 3-4).
The Theme
– Survival
  • Changes in the environment in winter
  • Animal Adaptations to these changes
  • Noticing signs of life in winter


As an example of the activities 

– Black-Capped Chickadee

The point: Some animals carry on with their daily activities and have certain adaptations to manage their energy (find food, stay warm, etc.)

Activity: Do you have a chickadee memory?
– Divide the students into 4-5 groups
– Each group gets a specific set of 5 symbols
-They have to remember the symbols and the sequence at the end of the hike





A parent said : 

“In summary, Ugo is curious like many children his age and he really enjoys this kind of activity. He is looking forward to going back in the spring.”








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