A walk at the Glen Villa Art Garden
My birding Walk and Talk at Glen Villa, in the pouring rain on Saturday June 17th.
Was it worth it? YES!
With a pair of binoculars and some patience I observed and learned that you need to:
1) listen to its song
2) observe the flight patterns
3) study the habitat
4) look at the size and colour of the bird, shape of the tail, shape and colour of the beak and any other distinguishing marks to identify the bird.
As a participant, I was amazed at how quickly the guides (Camille and Jean-Paul, both members of SLOE and veteran bird watchers) identified birds in flight. They could spot the Blue Bird and the Swallow who often share the same size bird house and might even fight over who gets the box to build their nest.
Jean-Paul and Camille both have life lists which they share on E-Bird. Jean-Paul said he had several lists, one for Quebec, one for North America, others for different countries.
This information is available to scientists who track birds and study their patterns.
Camille wrote to us after the visit and said:
We saw, among others, a ruffed grouse and its young, a yellow-throated vireo (very rare) and three American Woodcocks (hard to see usually).
In all, 25 different species observed in the rain and dripping leaves.
If you want to know more about birding, I would encourage you to join La SLOE or the St. Francis Naturalist Club, These are two wonderful groups in our area, to help you find out more about birds and go on other great guided tours next year.
The activity at Glen Villa was organized in the context of the fundraiser for the Massawippi Foundation.
More guided Walks & Talks will be held on July 15th and August 12th, 2023
Click here for more details.