Letter to our Trail Visitors
February 17th, 2021 FMF/MCT _ Letter to our Trail Visitors – Dear Visitors to our Trail in Ste. Catherine de…
February 17th, 2021 FMF/MCT _ Letter to our Trail Visitors – Dear Visitors to our Trail in Ste. Catherine de…
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Following our article last month about the Quatre Vallons cross-country ski trail maintained by Mr. Gilbert Beaupré, here is a sequel…
Originally a forest inhabited by Abenakis, this land now comprising Scowen Park was partly cleared in the early 19th century…
View our January newsletter on Mailchimp https://mailchi.mp/9c04e9d69186/2021-10e-anniversaire?e=2671b2c399
Since its inception in 2011, the Massawippi Foundation has given over $ 450,000 to the community around the lake. Although…