Regeneration Canada by Ananda Fitzsimmons, President and Co-Founder, Inocucor
On September 1st, I had the pleasure of attending the Massawippi Foundation’s Farm to Table luncheon. It was an…
On September 1st, I had the pleasure of attending the Massawippi Foundation’s Farm to Table luncheon. It was an…
Helene Hamel syn·chro·nic·i·ty /ˌsiNGkrəˈnisədē/ noun: the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. “such…
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Tom Wilcox, a board member of the Massawippi Foundation and a Trustee of the Massawippi Conservation Trust, has most recently…
The Viens family is the winner of the Agri-Environmental Leadership Award for a conventional farm. They were chosen by our…
Alex Brand and his wife Lindsay-Jane Gowman are the winners of the Agri-Environmental Leadership Award for an organic farm. They…