2021 is our 10th year anniversary


I think many of us are grateful that 2020 is over and are looking forward to starting anew in 2021.

The Massawippi Trust holds 1200 acres of pristine forest and land under conservation around the shores of Lake Massawippi. We have also built close to 14 kilometers of trails. We kept these trails open during the pandemic. This has enabled people to get out and enjoy nature, fresh air and help balance their mental and physical health.  We have been truly discovered in 2020, after 10 years of existence!

Sometimes alone, with a dog in tow, with a friend or family member, people have come to the Massawippi Trail whether at Scowen Park (North Hatley) or in St. Catherine de Hatley simply to GET OUTSIDE… 

OUTSIDE their 4 walls and INTO a green breathing space.


2021 is our 10th year anniversary

Our motto is: Discover Participate Invest

Discover: our mission to conserve land and to create a healthy community for the 5 municipalities around Lake Massawippi; your passion for the environment and beauty of the natural landscape; the trails and the health benefits for young and old, including our four legged friends. 

The four elements of conservation include: protection, research, recreation and education. Which one will you discover first?

Participate: in the conversation about conservation and healthy living; by walking on the trails as recreation but also an opportunity to learn; in sharing the sense of belonging to the community. The conservation mission requires participation. Do you want to participate?

Invest: in a healthy lifestyle that includes environmentally friendly choices; in your passion for a good life; support the work of the Massawippi Foundation and Trust financially, as a donor of land, or as a volunteer.  The Foundation has raised over 4 million dollars since its inception. In order to continue and ensure the perpetuity of our work, we need to build an endowment fund. Contributions come in many forms. You can invest yourself in the mission with time, ideas and financially.