Exchange: Mahicans Diamond, director of the trail construction team with Hélène Hamel, community coordinator.

When I interviewed Mahicans Diamond earlier this year, I was struck by his deep love of the forest as well as his calm personality. You can see that he derives immense pleasure from working in nature and building quality trails that attract people to the forest. He is a firm believer in the health benefits of the woods.

His work starts in the spring with the planning of the new trails. He literally runs through the forest in order to cover as much new terrain as possible. He gets a feel of the land from the ground up. Then, with the help of maps and the trail foreman, Matthew Cleary, he plots the trail taking into consideration the pitch, the flow of the water after the spring runoff, the trees and vegetation. He avoids ecologically sensitive areas and protects them by keeping the trails well outside these environments.

To avoid crowding, the length of the trails on a property never exceeds the length of the perimeter of that property.

When asked how much longer he will be building the Massawippi Trail he said, “It all depends on the fundraising!” He and the team are happy to keep working until their retirement!

Very little mechanical equipment is used in the building of the trails. Mahicans and Matthew have both trained with other companies that use all techniques from mechanised to hand made. This knowledge allows them to choose the best methods to build the Massawippi Trail with a minimum amount of mechanical intrusions. The must have arsenal of tools include the McLeod, the Pulaski and the Mattock. Funny and strange, these are the real names  for the essential work horses of the trail building team.






Mahicans also prefers to use the materials at hand. Obviously there is a cost savings but there is also an ecological factor. The only foreign material is some lumber used for building the bridges and occasionally the stairs. For example they chose to repurpose old telephone poles to make the stairs near Ethan’s Beach. As he said: “We are stone masons, lumberjacks, carpenters but most of all landscapers” who choose the right materials to make each step enjoyable. The trails are built to last. Mahicans would like his grandchildren to enjoy the results of his labour.

During the summer he hires students to supplement the professional team. The students are trained in the art of trail building. Some outlast the mosquitoes and even come back for a second summer, others move on. Regardless, they all appreciate the time they get to spend in the forest, seeing the wildlife and learning new skills.

Mahicans ends the trail building season in November. When asked what he would be doing over the winter with a big smile he said: “Working on my own house and all the projects I was not able to do during the summer.”

A short French interview with Mahicans is available on our website.

2021 is our 10th anniversary. Events will be held in July and August were you will be able to meet the team. Stay tuned for more details via the website, our newsletter or Facebook.

Information on donations.

The trails are built for you. Your donations, even small ones, are important!

Ethan’s Beach is now open!

Come take a hike down to the lake for a swim. Have a picnic. Enjoy the beautiful forests of the Massawippi Valley.

Here are a few things to keep in mind. As the beach is at the bottom of a hill, the trail slopes downwards and is rated “black diamond”. In other words a tougher hike, especially going back up. The trail is approximately 3,5 kms one way with a mixture of easy, intermediate and difficult sections.

  • There are benches along the way so that you can rest.
  • Remember to save some water for the return trip.
  • Bug spray and a walking stick also can come in very handy.
  • Besides the usual steps along the way there is a staircase with 85 steps just before you reach the beach. Once you have arrived here, you will see the lake.
  • The beach has 3 picnic tables. Please remember to keep you social distance and stay in your family bubble.
  • The lake has a small shallow entrance and then there is a quick drop off. Swim at your own risk.There is no lifeguard on duty.
  • It will take about 1 ½ hours to get back up the hill depending on your level of fitness.
  • Parking is at the end of Côte du Piémont (just off ch. Gingras) in Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley.  Google Maps
  • NEW A compost toilet has been added at the top of the stairs for your convenience.

The Massawippi Conservation Trust asks:

  • Stay within the sandy beach area;
  • Light no campfires;
  • No camping;
  • Behave appropriately;
  • Follow the internationally recognized code of ethics of “Leave no Trace” to respect our natural environment.

The Trust discourages the beaching of motorboats in this ecologically important area. You can pull up your canoe, kayak or paddle board .